Monday, June 25, 2012

Water Tank!

Hello Interested Readers...or maybe you're just curious! Well, we bought the dump truck and the man delivered it as promised. A few days later my DH used the dump truck to go and pick up the backhoe. My DH got the backhoe loaded and hooked the hitch to the dump truck and made way for the 20 minute drive home. Then something "caught" in the gearshift. Now, I don't have all the technical jargon but I can tell you that it was not the transmission, it was a lever in the shifter that got caught and made "3rd" gear the only gear that he could drive in.  So, the 20 minute trip became nearly an hour driving with no air conditioning and going about 15 miles per hour with the hazards on during rush hour. To top it off, a tire blew up somewhere along the way and the 6 tire trailer became a 5 tire trailer. However, he got it home and everything is safe. Since then he has fixed the gearshifter. This did not cost anything....oh!! except for the pressure washer that he said he REALLY needed to clean off some of the parts before putting it back together. I think I was played a little, but I'm going to use it to wash my car. :)

The next item on the "To Get" list is a water storage tank. There is no water on the property yet. We have access to a community well where we are able to get 8,000 gallons a month, so we needed a place to store it.  We have been all over craigslist and also calling on leads from anyone who gives us a name and a number.  The largest tank we had found until now was 5,000 gallons and it was for $2500. However, it was a galvinized tank and my DH wanted a plastic one. So, the search continued.

Finally! I found "IT!" A 10,000 gallln container, huge! The nice part, only $1,000. Amazing. We emailed the ad and got no response, in fact, we got no response for so long we just assumed that it was sold. However, this weekend we got the email that the seller was in the hospital and that's why she didn't respond. The business called us today and they said that the container is ours. It's so large that we have to get a permit to move it! We are taking measurements and finding out what the regulations are to move this monsterous water storage tank.

Just another item to check off the list, but it is amazing how it's all working together. Next on the list, a water trailer to be able to haul the water from the well to our storage tank.

Pray for our neighbors! So far these items are out front just filling the cul-de-sac. Pray that our neighbors have tolerance and that we are not in their way.

God is so good!

Blessings to you!
Country Momma

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dump Truck? Yes.

My DH found the backhoe but we don't have a way to haul it. None of our vehicles are big enough, or have the right towing hitch. We also need a dump truck to be able to haul dirt and debris all over the property, and my DH knows that we can haul the backhoe with the dump truck...two birds, one stone.  So, to craigslist we go. We found a dump truck that met my DH's list of expectations: be a diesel engine, have a pintle hitch, be about 12 tons, have a long bed and it needed walls. It was listed for $6500, and so off he went to take a look at it. But he was given some fun instructions...

It went like this...
Dude said, "Okay, I'm going to be at my son's baseball game. The keys are in the ignition. Take it for a spin and feel it out. When you get back just leave the keys in the ignition, and then give me a call and tell me what you think about it."
My DH said, "Oh, I'm going to love country life."
Dude said, "There's nothin' like it!"

My DH took the dump truck for a test drive. This sounds hilarious to me. Who has a dump truck besides a sanitation specialist? Who does this? Us, we do. So my DH likes this dump truck and it seems like he's actually made a friend. My DH thinks about it for a few days and decides that he's going to start off the deal by offering $4000. He makes the plan to call him while he is on road to spend the weekend at the property and then...his phone pooped out. :(  The new phone was delivered today.

In my opinion, my DH takes awhile to make decisions. We've lost a few deals because he takes time to research items before calling the people to tell them that we are interested. I admit, at times this causes a bit of frustration, for both of us. So, because he didn't get back to the dump truck guy I thought, "There goes another deal! Where will we find another dump truck?"

We got the phone today, activated it, and there's a text message. "Are you still interested? If you are I will sell it for $4000." Seriously!! :) My DH didn't have to wheel and deal, it was offered at the price that he felt the most comfortable with. God's hand is all over this from the broken phone, to the timing of it all.

Our schedule is REALLY packed and we were worried about how to pick it up because it is about 4 hours away.  No problem (God says) the man is delivering it to us! Not only that...he has a friend that might sell us a 40 foot storage container and deliver it! In addition, he used to work at a cement company and may be able to help with some information about having concrete delivered when that time comes. God has supplied again, and I am sure that He will continue to.

I am learning that God is supplying us with not only materials and equipment for what we need, but He is also directing some amazing people to enter into our lives. These people may bless us for a time or bless us for awhile, but it is obvious we are to be open to the relationships that are possible with each person we call through craigslist or from a friend through a friend. I just pray as these people are blessing us that blessings are heaped upon them from God and maybe God will use us to bless them, and that will also be a blessing!

The journey continues!
Country Momma

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Backhoe Search is OVER!

We have been searching for a backhoe for the last two months.  Craigslist ad after craigslist ad from at least 5 different states. We have traveled to Flagstaff, Queen Creek, Payson, and many other cities to look at every backhoe we could find. We've looked at equipment resale stores, auctions, and used equipment sites and it has felt like we weren't going to be successful for less than $15,000.  We don't have $15,000 to spend on a backhoe.

Simultaneously, we have been searching for a heavy duty equipment trailer because if we were to buy the backhoe we would need a way to haul it wherever we needed to.  We have searched and searched and it appeared that we would need to spend about $3,500 to get a trailer strong enough with enough length to be able to haul away our backhoe once we found it.  It has been quite a challenge, however...

Today God's blessings showered down on us. My DH found a craigslist ad this morning for a backhoe.  It is a Case 680, and it was located in Apache Junction.  My DH went out to see it because for the price (building the suspense) he figured it wouldn't be in working condition.  He went to take a look at it.  This machine started right up with the push of the button! We've looked at other machines for a lot more money and they leaked oil all over, this one didn't leak at all. He checked the strength of the machine and it was strong enough to pick the tractor up with the both the bucket and the loader. All of this checked out.  It's an older model but it will still work for all that we need it to.  We will need to get new tires that we have already found for $200. So, we have a backhoe.

We still hadn't found a heavy duty equipment trailer. We hoped that we were going to figure something out.  Then we got there and didn't need too because the owner also decided to GIVE US HIS TRAILER. Yes, the heavy duty trailer we needed to be able to haul it. As we were talking to him we realized that none of our current vehicles are strong enough to pull the 21,000 pounds of backhoe and trailer. So, he offered to deliver it to our house for free! 

We were blessed today (as we are each day). Our great deal for much was this deal you ask?? We got the backhoe we needed AND the trailer for a total of $4,000. I am in awe, we searched and we waited praying for God's desire for us, and now here it is. We are now going to be able to use funds that we thought we were going to have to designate for the backhoe to water storage tanks and quads to be able to get around on the land. It's happening.

God is amazing. I would've never thought a deal like this would've been possible. However, here it is.

Sharing Blessings,
Country Momma