We have nineteen days until the big move. We want the kids to start at their new school this year. We are packing, organizing, getting free boxes off of Craigslist, giving things to Goodwill, and things are just all over the place. I am also trying to register the kids for school. As I fill out the paperwork...for 10 ten kids...I am realizing that I don't have something that I have always had...AN ADDRESS. Our land has never been lived on, we have parcel numbers but no address. That feels weird.
I called the county to see about getting an address assigned. I thought that it was going to be a simple process. We have a few neighbors, just look at the map and assign us the next number. Wouldn't that be lovely? No, it is NOT that easy. We have to call the county to come out and do a percolation test, followed by a septic specialist to come out for our septic tanks. After that we have to file an application to build a family residence with a plat map, and then after that is approved then they will supply us with an address. All of the sudden registering for school is a lot more difficult than it has ever been!
Through this process I have come to the realization that cooking is not going to be as "simple" as it has been. Simple as defined by we have a stove/oven that is electric, we have two large refrigerators as well as a stand alone freezer for food storage. At the new property we have one smaller refrigerator in the travel trailer and a stove that runs on propane, we also have one very small microwave that has popped the breakers a few times. I'm nervous about food preparation. So, I have done some research and I have more to go but we may be investing in a solar over and start dehydrating food for longer keep without having to use the refrigerator. Some people would really enjoy this process, they enjoy cooking and are energized by the preparation. I am not one of these people. I cook because if I didn't my family would die, that's the bottom line. It is purely for survival. The Joy of Cooking - I wish they could tell me where to actually find this "joy". Pray for me to learn to like to cook!! I am going to be very challenged in this area at our new place!
Now we get to tires. Have I mentioned before that tires annoy me? I truly dislike the purchasing of tires. I feel like they are too much money and every vehicle we have requires at least two of them. With all the vehicles, quads, motorcycles, dump truck, backhoe, etc., we have 70 tires - yes, SEVENTY. That's a lot of tires, and I think they all talk and decide when they are going to fall apart and cause us problems. Two trips ago a tire went flat on one of the trailers on the way there, and it was not repairable. Then upon arrival it's discovered that a tire on the backhoe just decided to burst while it was sitting there doing absolutely nothing. Two new tires this month. YUCK!
Okay, positives. We are learning. We are learning about solar power, places to buy our special tires, animal fences and corral panels, different trees and foods for the garden that we are going to plant, and the requirements for the county to do all of these things. It has been interesting to say the least. Although it's a lot of work and the information is overwhelming at times, it's going to be good once we are there, and the memories we are going to build will be worth it all.
Country Momma
Lots of Bbq in ur future.. and invest in a couple propane camping stoves.. ur good to go for cooking