Saturday, September 21, 2013

Directionally Challenged

A Story from the Ranch:
It was a gorgeous cloudy day and it had been raining off and on for a few days.  The three Littles had been driving me crazy for the last few hours and so I decided to take them out on a quad ride while it was somewhat sunny.

We loaded up on the quad and off we went down the usual trail.  I thought, "Maybe today we will venture out a little further."  So, we did.  We went over this wash back a forth going a further and further out.  I noticed that the clouds were accumulating but it was still gorgeous.  We went a little further, which was the furthest I had gone.  We found a clearing and I thought that this would be a good place to get off of the quad and chase the girls around a little.

As I went to shut off the quad I heard my cell phone was the school, always answer calls from the school.  I talked with them for a few minutes, no big deal, and in the process turned off the quad to be able to hear them better.  As we were on the phone it started to lightly sprinkle.  I thought, "As soon as this call is over, we better head back.  So, I get off of the phone and go to start the quad...nothing.  It won't start.  I try again and again, and I can't get it to turn over.  It's raining harder now and the lightning and thunder have accompanied the rain.  I try to use my phone to call my DH for help and it now has rain on it, so the touchscreen won't work!

I start grabbing the kids off of the quad because now it is pouring rain, and we go running through the grass to get under the trees for some cover. The girls are a little nervous, (as am I) but I try to make it be fun. "God must've thought we were really stinky because He is giving us a shower!  We are on an adventure!"

I dry my phone off the best that I can and send my DH a text, "Hide and seek, you're IT!" 
He asks, "Seriously? Where are you?"
I send, "LOL! I'm right here." Of course, that doesn't help him a bit!
He says, "I can't hear your quad, start your quad and I can find you."
I reply, "It won't start. Good luck! We'll just be here waiting."
He answers, "I'll try to find you."

I decide to go and see if I can get this quad going again.  I try and explain to the girls that I am going to try the quad, but all they see is that it is storming and they are soaked, and Mom is leaving.  So, they start screaming and crying.  I try the quad a few more times, and I get it started!! I ride quickly to the babies trying to reassure them that, "Mom is here, and it's okay."  I'm hoping that my DH hears the quad.  Then it dies. The quad quit again.

DH texts, "I heard you, and then you went away?"
I said, "Died again."

He then calls me.  He asks if I can hear his quad.  The next five minutes is a crazy game of "hot and cold" as he tries to find me, while I am just trying to get the sound of his quad closer to me.  It's still raining and the girls are getting cold.  I'm trying to get them excited about the rescue from Dad, "Do you hear him?  He's coming to get us!"

He finds us, and of course, my quad starts right up.  We go drive back to the trailer together, and the whole way he is trying to show me different landmarks and things that would help me find my way.  If I were to take the same path today, I don't know if I could get back. 

I have been lost several more times since then.  It's funny to see my DH run into the trailer to get my cell phone every time I go for a walk or a ride.  He sends texts to check in on me often, sometimes I get lucky and find my way back and other times I get rescued.  We have a handheld GPS that I need to figure out, however, sometimes....being lost is fun.

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